Campbellville Today 
The Mill may be gone, the General Store & P.O. may be gone and the House may be gone, but the heart of Campbellville still lives on. Even the road sign says it's still  there!
The Campbellsville Gathering 2004 
On the 26th of June 2004 Tom Campbell invited his cousins and friends to attend the transfer of the Campbellville Mill property back to the Campbell Clan after one-hundred and fifty-five years.  
The gentleman right of center with the ball cap and dark blue sweater is Mr. Carl Driscoll who has owned the mill property since 1941. Next to him in a light blue shirt is Thomas V. Campbell the new and current owner of Campbellville. They are standing where the old mill pond would have been in 1850. Running under the road (Burke Road) behind them is Level Branch creek.  
Attendees L-R are; Betsy Butler, Dick Dryer, Burke & Bev Campbell, Bill Brenchly, Winnie Schench, Gail (Driscoll) Fiorini, Richard Johnson, Carl Driscoll, Don Johnson, Tom Campbell, Marletta Shadduck and Dave Shadduck. Photo taken by Minda Campbell.
The Sullivan Review 
Dushore, PA 18614 
Thursday, July 1, 2004 
The book "History of Campbellsville" is available locally at the Sullivan Review 
Dushore, PA 570-928-8006 .      To view book-   Campbellville  History 
Campbellville its Past and Beauty 
Left: LaRue and Mary Litzelman's home, the last standing building at Campbellville. It is said to be nearly 200 years old and the original house was half this size. 
Right: Mrs. Mary Litzelman the last living resident of Campbellville. This photo was taken in summer of 2001.
One wall of the stone foundation for the Barn that was located just behind the General Store, see photos in (Welcome to Campbellville). Because of the steep slope of the land the stone foundation kept the wooden sections well above water damage from heavy rains.
This spring fed falls is hidden in the Campbellville woods. One of the many beautiful treasures there to  see. It empties into Lick creek. 
One of the Covered bridge's original main foundations that supported the north side of the bridge coming down that is now called Burke road. The foundation is approximately fifteen feet or more high. Imagine how deep the pond was in the old photo.
The Researchers 
Bill Brenchley, Dick Johnson, Burke Campbell and Dick Dryer examine photos trying to determine where the mill was actually located.
Level Branch Creek
Dave Shadduck and Dick Johnson converse on more Campbellville matters of concern at the Gathering.
Flood strikes again 
In Dec. of 1901 a flood destroyed the original Mill, 
in Sept. of 2004 a flood brought down one of the old 
Covered Bridge foundations, one of the last 
remaining vestiges of Campbellville. 
Tom & Burke Campbell standing atop the covered bridge foundation in June 2004
Lance McCarty, a  local  resident of the area reports: "The collapse occurred Friday, the 17th or Saturday, the 18th of Sept. 2004 during the flooding from Hurricane Ivan in Florida. By the time the storm got here it wasn't a hurricane anymore, but produced  rain totals from 5.5 to 7.5 inches of rain. There was a massive amount of flooding around here. Most of the major roads in the county were closed on Saturday. The water apparently got in behind the concrete wall, and pushed the stone foundation into it, which knocked it into Level Branch."
Lance McCarty standing upon the fallen foundation lying in Level Branch creek in September 2004.
Welcome to Campbellville 
Local Campbellvile Pioneers 
19th&20th Century Area Barns 
Historical Documents 
  Contributors we want to thank 