Welcome to Campbellville 
The General store left, with a barn behind it, 
the dam  and mill pond, Campbell's  mill, the  
road coming south that used the covered bridge  
(just out of site on the right of  the photo).
Lick creek road left, heading south  parallel  with Lick creek toward  Hunsinger's sawmill and  
house, the mill,  Campbell's house with  
out-house, a barn  at   the beginning of the  
Devils Elbow and  the general  store barely  
The Covered bridge across Level Branch creek showing it's reflection in the mill pond. See also another photo just below. 
A Campbellville resident once remarked, "You have to lay on your back in order to see the sun." 
The original Campbellville Covered Bridge 
1849 -1953
The General Store and Post Office 
 Showing the Norton family  on the front porch  with a team of horses pulling the covered  buggy. 
The old Hunsinger home 
Currently lived in by Mrs. Mary Litzelman, the  last residing  resident of Campbellville. 
                                                                                                   The Covered Bridge 
 The Covered bridge was built in late 1849 connecting the wagon roads of Lick Creek and Kelly   
Hill, by crossing the bridge  to meet Sugar Hill Rd. The Covered bridge served the local residents  
and farmers for over a century. It was constructed somewhat similar to the "Queen Post" style.  
The sign on top of the bridge says "Warning 10 ft. Clearance", the sign on the right says " 3 Tons  
Safe Limit". In 1954 or 1955 the Covered bridge was sold to a Mr. Otis Hatch for the amount of  
$82.50. Local residents Carl Pardoe and Otis Hatch dismantled the bridge for it's lumber. The large  
timbers went to a Keith McCarty for use at his saw mill. As of 2004 the stone foundations are still in  
place reminding us of times lost to the  past. 
The Farmers would stay overnight on the covered bridge to wait their turn at the mill the following morning.  
A  social gathering would develop with politcal discussions and a sip from the old jug to settle their nerves. 
                                                                                          See the "Campbellville Today" page. 
Campbellville Mill Dam 
 Powell Norton with his dog beside him sitting on top of the mill dam that he was rebuilding after the June 1883 flood. 
Residence and General Store & P.O. 
This photo was taken after the mill was washed away in December 1901 leaving just the house and the General store and Post Office.
One of the last two homes in Campbellville 
A photo of Alice Driscoll sitting on her porch taken in 1939 with a 1934 Plymouth parked in front. Only the barn and covered bridge (out of site) were left.
First and second generation pioneers seeking land and a new adventure in the wilds of Pennsylvania. 
 Ed Norton after inspecting the covered bridge is returning to the General store and Post Office. The  road behind him was known as Kelly Hill Road, running past the old school house and north to Overton. 
This photo was taken in August 1930 although the mill had been washed away twenty-nine years prior, the general store was still in operation. The old wooden bridge crossing Lick creek  had been replaced with an iron truss bridge.
St. Philip and James Catholic church 
Leaving the mill heading up Kelly Hill Rd. then turning left across the Covered bridge and arriving  at the top of Sugar Hill Rd., you would find the St. Philip and James Catholic church. It had been blessed by Bishop John Newman in 1854. The cemetary tomb stones are mostly all Irish pioneers.
The Mill's Power Source 
Above:  The standard large wheel mill.  
Center: The advanced water turbine is                submerged below water. 
Right: The mill flume (floom) and gate,  
 the water power to drive the turbine.
The Water Turbine 
The Mill (floom) Flume
Local Campbellville Pioneers 
19th&20th Century Barns 
Campbellville Today 
Historical Documents 
 Contributors we want to thank 